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Happy birthday, CNAB!

For all of us, the 24 hours of the day are divided, with small variations, between sleeping, the time spent at home and the time spent at work. And a primary calculation shows – without any variations – that the segment to which we assign - perhaps unfairly - most of our lives is that of labor. Once aware of this, we can only reflect on the words of Henry Ford, founder of the American automobile industry, who knows, when he asserts that “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success!”

And because life is a strange comedy that mixes pain and joy, putting tears next to smile and smile next to crying, it's clear why we choose to spend each anniversary of our living together at the theater. Especially since what defines and gives a team its identity are the shared values. Therefore, we share another experience, artistic or not, because we know how right Lucian Blaga was when he said that "every single man is such a little thing that you can barely call him a man. Only when he joins the others, can he be called a man. There are no individuals. There is just one man and that man is all of us”. BANC employees celebrated together at the theater, watching the musical tragicomedy "The Wall" at the Metropolis Theatre, enjoying another event together.

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