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Air trafic values in 2009 on Henri Coanda Airport

Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport has recorded a traffic of 4.483.661 passengers, which represents a decrease of approximately 11% compared to 2008 when 5.064.230 passengers were processed (including the traffic temporarily transferred from Baneasa Airport between September 29th and October 12th, 2008). 

The number of aircraft movements however increased by 1,5%, 72.697 movements being processed on the two runways of the airport during 2009. In other words, an aircraft took off or landed every 7 minutes, on the average. 

The domestic passengers traffic was quite stable, being comparable to the one of the previous year (496.391 passengers in 2009, as compared to 497.253 in 2008). 

The passengers traffic in the EU countries represents 84% of the entire passengers traffic in 2009, whereas the traffic processed outside the EU countries represents 16%. 

The end of 2009 brought a recovery of the passengers traffic values: the level for November was quite similar to that of the same month of 2008 and in December the traffic increased by 3,2% as compared to December 2008.

The evolution of the air traffic on Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport makes no exception from the general trend of 2009 recorded worldwide in civil aviation. 

There are 33 airlines operating on Henri Coanda Airport, providing direct connections with 42 international destinations and 10 domestic ones.

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